Adventure-seeking reality star Hunter Kase, who travels for work and regularly cheats death, returns to his hometown to hide from the media circus that’s about to descend because of his ex-girlfriend’s betrayal.
High school counselor, Amanda Crane, enjoys her quiet, calm life after divorcing a man whose job was dangerous and kept him away. Surprised when Kasey walks into Tiny’s Bar to celebrate a mutual friend’s birthday, she enjoys his company.
Although he’s sworn off women, for the next few months, Kasey spends every moment he’s not on set with Amanda. Even though they’re wildly attracted to one another, they decide to just be friends.
But when Kasey’s life hangs in the balance due to a misstep on one of his adventures, his first thought is of Amanda. Meanwhile, she realizes her feelings for him are stronger than she thought just before she turns around and is face to face with her worst nightmare.